by munZe » March 1st, 2013, 6:20 pm
- Code: Select all
19:01 ? LoKiTo ¦ help
19:01 ? LoKiTo ¦ connect putty
19:01 ? LoKiTo ¦ shell?
19:04 ? LoKiTo ¦ passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
19:04 ? LoKiTo ¦ passwd: password unchanged
19:04 ? LoKiTo ¦ =?
19:04 ? +munZe ¦ passwd
19:04 ? +munZe ¦ enter old password
19:04 ? +munZe ¦ then enter twice new
19:06 : dcp ¦ Null: Epsilon available for shell req?
19:06 ? LoKiTo ¦ spashin ?
19:07 ? LoKiTo ¦ Telnet to the bot and enter 'NEW' as your nickname.
19:07 ? LoKiTo ¦ OR go to IRC and type: /msg Eggdrop hello
19:07 ? LoKiTo ¦ This will make the bot recognize you as the master.
19:07 ? LoKiTo ¦ telnet ? ip ?
19:07 ? +munZe ¦ in eggdrop.conh
19:07 ? +munZe ¦ in eggdrop.conf
19:07 ? +munZe ¦ you setup telnet ip
19:07 ? +munZe ¦ you setup telnet port
19:07 ? +munZe ¦ pardon
19:07 ? +munZe ¦ then
19:07 ? +munZe ¦ then use for example: telnet localhost thisport
19:08 ? +munZe ¦ but first
19:08 ? +munZe ¦ you must do /msg Eggdrop hello
19:08 ? +munZe ¦ in irc server where tyou bot is connected
19:08 ? +munZe ¦ and do other thing that your bot ask from you
19:08 : dcp ¦ <LoKiTo> OR go to IRC and type: /msg Eggdrop hello <=== i guess you not edit egg config first
19:09 ? LoKiTo ¦ cd eggdrop.conf
19:09 ? LoKiTo ¦ ?
19:09 ? +munZe ¦ damn :/
19:09 ? LoKiTo ¦ -bash: cd: eggdrop.conf: Not a directory
19:09 : dcp ¦ pico or nano
19:09 * +munZe going off
19:09 : dcp ¦ pico eggdrop.conf
19:09 : dcp ¦ munZe :D
19:09 ? +munZe ¦ i cant help :D
[r00t@err0r #] cat /etc/pwnd
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