Linking Application
Thank you for your interest in linking to Fewona IRC Network. Please make sure that you can commit to the following requirements before submitting a link application:
- You are not involved in any illegal activities in any way.
- Your server has good, stable, low-ping connection (at least 100mbps port) as well as the system is stable and not overloaded.
- You agree to provide us with ssh access to the shell user which will run the ircd.
- You have read the rules of Fewona and Forum Sticky/Announce threads and posts.
- You have been in Fewona for more than a month and are familiar with the Network.
- Our administration team is very united and every new member must be accepted and voted first. If you have opers it is subject to discussion if and when they will become part of the team. They may be added immediately after link or weeks after that - it depends on some factors. You agree to comply with our internal policy of staff membership.
- We are not interested in merging with your network.
- If you have a database which is importable, we may choose to import it into our services for your users' convenience. We can convert database from many different services software.
If you are still interested and you meet the above criteria and you have any questions, mail us: support -at- fewona -dot- net
The Application
1. Administration Information
a. What is your full name and nickname (if you are not the server administrator, please provide his/her too):
b. Please provide a contact (phone/email/skype):
2. Administration Qualification
a. FREE ANSWER: Please explain how you intend to expand the network and improve the services offered by Fewona:
b. FREE ANSWER: What previous IRC administration and/or opering experience have you had? Please provide as many references as possible:
c. How many hours per week can you devote to administrative tasks concerning your server?
d. How familiar are you with Charybdis and Atheme?
e. How familiar are you with GNU/Linux administration?
f. How much staff you intend to have (point out who will have access and privs):
3. Policy test /please provide detailed answers/ for staff membership
a. Is it acceptable to involve in channels you do not own? If so, under what conditions and how?
b. Are vanity kills allowed on Fewona? If so, under what conditions?
c. If there is abusive user, what action will you take? (provide examples please)
4. Server Information
a. Server domain or website?
b. Server IP address?
c. Will this server provide IPv6, if so, what is its IPv6 IP?
d. Ports on the server allowed for IRC:
e. Operating system and kernel version the server is running on:
f. CPU, RAM, Uptime, amount of accounts and what other services are running on the server the ircd is hosted:
g. Internet connection (provider, speed etc)
5. Please provide a ping statistics (20 icmp packets at least) to the following servers:
Please pastebin this application somewhere or post it here in the forum and visit #fewona for review. Sending email is preferable (support -at- fewona -dot- net)